Week 3


October 9, 2023


October 16, 2023


  • Probability
  • Sections 2.1 - 2.2.4


Class discussion

  • Example 2.3 on pg 4 of slides
  • Example 2.6 on pgs 8-9 of slides


  • Bayes’ Rule


Class discussion

Class discussion Google doc link

  • Example 2.10 on pg 6 of slides
  • Added in class: Textbook exerices 2.18 (from HW)


  • HW 2 due on Sat, 10/14
    • Covers Days 3-5
  • HW 3 due on Sat, 10/21
    • Covers Days 6-7

Why is {.unnumbered} included at the end of some of the section headers on the HW?

  • I added the option for the sections to be numbered in the YAML (number-sections: true) so that the R exercises at the end of the file are numbered.
  • However, the book exercises already have their own numbering, and so I added {.unnumbered} to the section headers of the book exercises so that they are not numbered twice.


  • Pre-recorded lessons are on Echo Cloud (aka echo 360 or echo video).
    • These can be accessed in Sakai by navigating to the BSTA 511/611 page and clicking on the Echo Cloud option in the left-side menu.
    • This will redirect you to an echo video page with a list of pre-recorded videos.
  • In-class recording links are on Sakai. Navigate to Course Materials -> Schedule with links to in-class recordings. Note that the password to the recordings is at the top of the page.