
Meike Niederhausen

Course info

This webpage was created for BSTA 511/611 in the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. BSTA 511 is taken primarily by students in the Biostatistics MS/MPH and Epidemiology MPH programs. BSTA 611 is taken by PhD students in various programs across OHSU.


  • Thank you to Nicky Wakim for creating her amazing webpage for BSTA 550, and sharing her code on GitHub. Having her template made creating this website a much smoother process.
  • Thank you also to Andrew Bray for presenting the From R Markdown to Quarto ASA Travelling Workshop to the Oregon Chapter of the ASA in June 2023. This workshop was a great starting point in making the switch from RMarkdown to Quarto and also create Quarto webpages.