Week 11
Exam 3
- No new material
- Review day
- I will answer any questions you have
- I will not be preparing a review
- See link below to past exam questions on material
Exam 3 (Wednesday)
- Material will cover Days 12-17,
- which is approximately Chapters 8, 5.5, 6 from the textbook, plus extra material for non-parametric tests in slides.
- The exam will be in-class and handwritten. Bring a calculator.
- You will be provided with a normal Z table, t-table, and Chi-squared table. Make sure you know how to use them for calculating CI’s and estimating p-values.
- You may bring one page of notes on an 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper.
- You may use both sides.
- You may type your notes.
- You may not use screenshots of the notes or textbook
- You will be turning in the page of notes with the exam, so please add your name to the sheet.
Samples of past exam questions
- The linked to file includes questions from [past exams]https://sakai.ohsu.edu/access/content/group/BSTA-511-1-AA-F23/Exam_samples/Exam_3_samples_Ch8_5.5_6_nonpar.pdf), which cover the same material as Exam 3 this quarter. (Requires Sakai login)
Exam 3 retakes
- Retake for Exam 3 will be on Fri, Dec 8th, 11 am - 1 pm in RPV 1203.
- I will email you on Thursday 12/7 what your grade on Exam 3 is as well as your overall class grade without a retake.
- Pre-recorded lessons are on Echo Cloud (aka echo 360 or echo video).
- These can be accessed in Sakai by navigating to the BSTA 511/611 page and clicking on the
Echo Cloud
option in the left-side menu. - This will redirect you to an echo video page with a list of pre-recorded videos.
- These can be accessed in Sakai by navigating to the BSTA 511/611 page and clicking on the
- In-class recording links are on Sakai. Navigate to Course Materials -> Schedule with links to in-class recordings. Note that the password to the recordings is at the top of the page.