Projects in RStudio

BSTA 511/611


Meike Niederhausen, PhD

OHSU-PSU School of Public Health

  • Although we are using Quarto files,
    • I will show how to set up and use a “regular” R Project
    • instead of “Quarto Project”
  • Quarto Projects include extra features and thus complexity. Once you are used to how regular R Projects work, you can try out a Quarto Project.
  • Many (if not most) of the resources below refer to RMarkdown instead of Quarto files to create reproducible reports.
  • This is not a problem. Projects work the same way with Quarto files.

1 Learn more about Projects and why you should always be using them

Below are various resources to learn more about RStudio Projects.

2 YouTube videos on how to create an R Project

This video demonstrates how to create an R Project, and how to open RStudio using the Project file.