Week 11
Finals week
Overview of Week 11
Exam 3 - final version posted
- Exam 3 is due on 12/13/24 at 5 pm
- Final version of the exam is now posted (Exam3_BSTA511_F24_v2.qmd/.html) in the Assignments section of Sakai.
- Note that the attachments of the assignment include both the qmd and html files for the exam, as well as two datasets.
- Watch an 11 minute recording of me explaining the different parts of the exam.
- Check your OHSU email or Slack for the password.
Webex link for Week 11
When it’s time, join your Webex meeting here.
Join Meeting: https://ohsu.webex.com/ohsu/j.php?MTID=m38226d405dacf95ecc49b56b04f38e20
Meeting password: WCkwHmUy564
Phone (audio only):
1-503-388-9555 Portland, OR
1-206-207-1700 Seattle, WA
Meeting number (access code): 2865 488 1852
Additional call-in numbers:
Mobile phone (one-touch):