Introduction to R
What is R?
A programming language
Focus on statistical modeling and data analysis
import data, manipulate data, run statistics, make plots
Useful for data science
Great visualizations
Also useful for most anything else you’d want to tell a computer to do
Interfaces with other languages i.e. python, C++, bash
For the history and details: Wikipedia
an interpreted language (run it through a command line)
procedural programming with functions
Why “R”?? Scheme inspired S (invented at Bell Labs in 1976) which inspired R since 1st letters of original authors (free and open source! in 2000)
What is RStudio?
R is a programming language
RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE)
= an interface to use R (with perks!)
Open RStudio on your computer (not R!)
Let’s code! R Basics
Coding in the console
When you first open R, the console should be empty.
Typing and executing code in the console
Type code in the console (blue text)
Press return to execute the code
Output shown below in black
Math calculations using R
Rules for order of operations are followed
Spaces between numbers and characters are ignored
The equation above is computed as \[4^3 − (2 \cdot 7) + \frac{9}{2}\]
Variables (saved R objects)
Variables are used to store data, figures, model output, etc.
Can assign a variable using either =
or <-
Assign just one value:
Assign a vector of values
Consecutive integers using :
Concatenate a string of numbers
b <- c (5 , 12 , 2 , 100 , 8 )
Doing math with variables
Math using variables with just one value
Math on vectors of values:
element-wise computation
Variables can include text (characters)
greetings <- c ("Guten Tag" , "Hola" , hi)
[1] "Guten Tag" "Hola" "hello"
Using functions
is an example of a function
functions have “arguments” that can be specified within the ()
in console will show help file for mean()
Function arguments specified by name:
seq (from = 1 , to = 12 , by = 3 )
seq (by = 3 , to = 12 , from = 1 )
Function arguments not specified , but listed in order:
Common console errors (1/2)
Incomplete commands
When the console is waiting for a new command, the prompt line begins with >
If the console prompt is +
, then a previous command is incomplete
You can finish typing the command in the console window
Common console errors (2/2)
Object is not found
This happens when text is entered for a non-existent variable (object)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'hello' not found
Can be due to missing quotes
Error in install.packages(dplyr): object 'dplyr' not found
# correct code is: install.packages("dplyr")
Saving your work with Quarto
or, creating reproducible reports
Example: creating an html file
.qmd file
html output
Quarto = .qmd
file = Code + text
is a package that converts .qmd
files containing code + markdown syntax to a plain text .md
markdown file, and then to other formats (html, pdf, Word, etc)
Basic Quarto example
1. Create a Quarto file (.qmd
Two options:
click on File \(\rightarrow\) New File \(\rightarrow\) Quarto Document…\(\rightarrow\) OK,
or in upper left corner of RStudio click on \(\rightarrow\)
Pop-up window selections:
Enter a title and your name
Select HTML
output format (default)
Engine: select Knitr
Editor: Select Use visual markdown editor
Click Create
2. Create a Quarto file (.qmd
After clicking on Create
, you should then see the following in your editor window:
3. Save the Quarto file (.qmd
Save the file by
selecting File -> Save
or clicking on (towards the left above the scripting window),
or keyboard shortcut
PC: Ctrl + s
Mac: Command + s
You will need to specify
a filename to save the file as
ALWAYS use .qmd as the filename extension for Quarto files
the folder to save the file in
4. Create html file
We create the html file by rendering the .qmd file.
Two options:
click on the Render icon at the top of the editor window,
or use keyboard shortcuts
Mac: Command+Shift+K
PC: Ctrl+Shift+K
A new window will open with the html output.
You will now see both .qmd and .html files in the folder where you saved the .qmd file.
The template .qmd file that RStudio creates will render to an html file by default.
The output format can be changed to create a Word doc, pdf, slides, etc.
.qmd file vs. its html output
.qmd file
html output
3 types of Quarto content
Text , lists, images, tables, links
Code chunks
YAML metadata
Formatting text
bold , italics , superscripts & subscripts , strikethrough, verbatim
, etc.
Text is formatted through a markup language called Markdown
(Wikipedia )
Other markup languages include html (webapges) and LaTeX (math)
All text formatting is specified via code
“Markdown is a plain text format that is designed to be easy to write, and, even more importantly, easy to read”
Newer versions of RStudio include a Visual editor
as well that makes formatting text similar to using a word processor.
Formatting text: Visual editor
Using the Visual editor
is similar to using a wordprocessor, such as Word
Keyboard shortcuts usually work as well (shown for Mac below )
Part 1
Using the visual editor, practice formatting text in your qmd file, such as making text bold , italicized , and in code
Add 1st , 2nd , and 3rd level headers
Add a list with a
sub-list (bullet and/or numbered)
Add a table
Add whatever else you are interested in!
Part 2
Switch back to the Source
editor and examine the markdown code that was used for the formatting.
Questions :
What went smoothly?
What hurdles did you encounter?
Formatting text: Markdown
*This text is in italics*, but _so is this text_.
This text is in italics , but so is this text .
**Bold** also has __2 options__
Bold also has 2 options
~~Should this be deleted?~~
Should this be deleted?
Need^super^ or~sub~ scripts?
Needsuper orsub scripts?
`Code is often formatted as verbatim`
Code is often formatted as verbatim
>This is a block quote.
This is a block quote.
RStudio tip
You can easily navigate through your .qmd file if you use headers to outline your text
3 types of Quarto content
Text, lists, images, tables, links
Code chunks
YAML metadata
Code chunks
.qmd file
html output
Create a code chunk
3 options to create a code chunk
Click on at top right of the editor window, or
Keyboard shortcut
Command + Option + I
Ctrl + Alt + I
Visual editor
: Select Insert
-> Executable Cell
-> R
What does a code chunk look like?
An empty code chunk looks like this:
Visual editor
Source editor
Note that a code chunks start with ```{r}
and ends with ```
. Make sure there is no space before ```
Enter and run code (1/n)
Type R code inside code chunks
Select code you want to run, by
placing the cursor in the line of code you want to run,
or highlighting the code you want to run
Run selected code by
clicking on the button in the top right corner of the scripting window and choosing Run Selected Line(s)
or typing one of the following key combinations:
ctrl + return
command + return
Where does the output appear?
Enter and run code (2/n)
Run all code in a chunk by
by clicking the play button in the top right corner of the chunk
The code output appears below the code chunk
The output should also appear in the Console.
Settings can be changed so that the output appears only in the Console and not below the code chunk:
Select (to right of Render button) and then Chunk Output in Console .
Useful keyboard shortcuts
Full list of keyboard shortcuts
Run code in qmd (or script)
cmd + enter
ctrl + enter
option + -
alt + -
interrupt currently running command
in console, retrieve previously run code
keyboard shortcut help
option + shift + k
alt + shift + k
Try typing code below in your qmd (with shortcut) and evaluating it:
3 types of Quarto content
Text, lists, images, tables, links
Code chunks
YAML metadata
Simple YAML
The default YAML includes a title and author that appear at the top of the output file. In the example below, I also added in a date option
title: "My first Quarto file"
author: "Meike"
date: "9/25/2023"
format: html
editor: visual
The YAML must start and end with 3 dashes ---
The first set of ---
must be on the very first line.
Change the output file type
The YAML specifies the format of the output file:
html, Word, pdf, slides, website, book, etc.
This is done by changing the format:
title: "My first Quarto file"
author: "Meike"
date: "9/25/2023"
format: html
editor: visual
format: html
format: docx
format: pdf
html slides
format: revealjs
PPT slides
format: pptx
You WILL get frustrated while learning R!
From Garrett Grolemund’s Prologue of his book Hands-On Programming with R :
As you learn to program, you are going to get frustrated. You are learning a new language, and it will take time to become fluent. But frustration is not just natural, it’s actually a positive sign that you should watch for. Frustration is your brain’s way of being lazy; it’s trying to get you to quit and go do something easy or fun. If you want to get physically fitter, you need to push your body even though it complains. If you want to get better at programming, you’ll need to push your brain. Recognize when you get frustrated and see it as a good thing: you’re now stretching yourself. Push yourself a little further every day, and you’ll soon be a confident programmer.
Official Quarto guide:
Markdown basics:
Text formatting, headings, linnks, images, lists, tables, equations, diagrams, page breaks, keyboard shortcuts, and more!
Code blocks:
Chunk options:
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel’s Quarto tip a day:
Hadley Wickham’s R for Data Science: _ See Chapter 29 for Quarto