Day 17: Nonparametric tests - Supplemental material

BSTA 511/611

Week 10

Meike Niederhausen, PhD

OHSU-PSU School of Public Health


December 2, 2024

Load packages

  • Packages need to be loaded every time you restart R or render an Qmd file
# run these every time you open Rstudio
library(BSDA)  # NEW package!!!
  • You can check whether a package has been loaded or not
    • by looking at the Packages tab and
    • seeing whether it has been checked off or not

MoRitz’s tip: write “nice” R code

Check out the tidyverse style guide:

Especially, Chapter 4: Pipes and Chapter 5: ggplot2

Goals for today (Supplemental material)

  • Why us a nonparametric approach?

  • What the following tests are & when to use them

  • Sign test

    • for paired data or single samples
  • (Wilcoxon) sign-rank test

    • for paired data or single samples
    • accounts for sizes of differences
  • Wilcoxon Rank-sum test

    • for two independent samples
    • a.k.a Mann-Whitney U test
  • Kruskal-Wallis test

    • nonparametric ANOVA test
  • How to use R for each test & interpret the results

Additional resource

Nonparametric tests

Background: parametric vs nonparametric

  • Prior inference of means methods had conditions assuming the underlying population(s) was (were) normal (or at least approximately normal).

  • Normal distribution is completely described (parameterized) by two parameters: \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\).

  • The first was often the parameter of interest, while the latter was assumed known ( \(Z\)-test) or estimated ( \(t\)-tests).

  • The above are therefore described as parametric procedures.

  • Nonparametric procedures

    • Make fewer assumptions about the structure of the underlying population from which the samples were collected.
    • Work well when distributional assumptions are in doubt.

The good and the bad about nonparametric tests


  • Fewer assumptions
  • Tests are based on ranks
    • Therefore outliers have no greater influence than non-outliers.
    • Since tests are based on ranks we can apply these procedures to ordinal data
      • (where means and standard deviations are not meaningful).


  • Less powerful than parametric tests (due to loss of information when data are converted to ranks)
  • While the test is easy, it may require substantial (computer) work to develop a confidence interval [by “inverting” the test].
  • Theory was developed for continuous data (where ties are not possible); if population or data contain many ties, then a correction to the procedures must be implemented.
  • Some procedures have “large” and “small” sample versions; the small sample versions require special tables or a computer.

Sign test

For paired data or single samples

Example: Intraocular pressure of glaucoma patients

  • Intraocular pressure of glaucoma patients is often reduced by treatment with adrenaline.
  • A new synthetic drug is being considered, but it is more expensive than the current adrenaline alternative.
  • 7 glaucoma patients were treated with both drugs:
    • one eye with adrenaline and
    • the other with the synthetic drug
  • Reduction in pressure was recorded in each eye after following treatment (larger numbers indicate greater reduction)
IOP_table <- tibble(
  Patient = 1:7,
  Adren = c(3.5, 2.6, 3, 1.9, 2.9, 2.4, 2),
  Synth = c(3.2, 3.1, 3.3, 2.4, 2.9, 2.8, 2.6)
  ) %>% 
    d = Synth - Adren,
    Sign = case_when(
      d < 0 ~ "-",
      d > 0 ~ "+"
IOP_table %>% gt()
Patient Adren Synth d Sign
1 3.5 3.2 -0.3 -
2 2.6 3.1 0.5 +
3 3.0 3.3 0.3 +
4 1.9 2.4 0.5 +
5 2.9 2.9 0.0 NA
6 2.4 2.8 0.4 +
7 2.0 2.6 0.6 +
  • d is the difference in reduction of pressure: Synth - Adren
  • Sign is + if the difference is positive and - if the difference is negative

Visualize the differences

Visualize the differences in reduction of pressure \(d\) : Synth - Adren

ggplot(IOP_table, aes(x = d)) +

ggplot(IOP_table, aes(x = d)) +

Hypotheses & “statistic” (Sign test)


\(H_0:\) The median difference in the population is 0
\(H_a:\) The median difference in the population is NOT 0


\(D^+\) = number of positive differences
\(D^-\) = number of negative differences

What are \(D^+\) and \(D^-\) for our example?

IOP_table %>% gt()
Patient Adren Synth d Sign
1 3.5 3.2 -0.3 -
2 2.6 3.1 0.5 +
3 3.0 3.3 0.3 +
4 1.9 2.4 0.5 +
5 2.9 2.9 0.0 NA
6 2.4 2.8 0.4 +
7 2.0 2.6 0.6 +

Exact p-value (Sign test)

  • If the median difference is 0 ( \(H_0\) is true) , then * half the population consists of positive differences * while half have negative differences.

  • Let \(p=P(\textrm{neg. diff.})=P(\textrm{pos. diff.})= 0.5\)

  • If the median difference is 0 ( \(H_0\) is true), * then a sample of \(n\) differences * behaves like \(n\) trials in a binomial experiment * where “success” is analogous to seeing a positive difference. * By symmetry ( \(p=0.5\) ), the same distribution applies to negative differences, i.e.,
\[D^+ \textrm{ and } D^- \sim \textrm{Bin}(n,p=0.5)\]
  • Thus the (exact) p-value is calculated using the Binomial distribution

Glaucoma example (exact) p-value

  • 7 differences:
    • 1 negative ( \(D^-\) )
    • 5 were positive ( \(D^+\) )
    • 1 difference is 0 and is discarded
  • Thus the effective sample size is \(n=6\).

One-sided p-value = probability that we would see 1 or fewer negative signs among the \(n=6\) differences, if the median difference is really 0

Two-sided p-value = 2 \(\times\) One-sided p-value

# 2-sided p-value: 2*P(D^- <= 1)
2*pbinom(1, size = 6, p = 0.5)
[1] 0.21875

\[D^- \sim \textrm{Bin}(n=6,p=0.5)\]

\[p-value = P(D^- \leq 1) \\ = P(D^-=0) + P(D^-=1) \\ = \frac{6!}{0!6!} (0.5)^6 + \frac{6!}{1!5!} (0.5)^6 \\ \approx 0.1094\]

\[p-value \times 2 \approx 0.2188\]

Sign test in R: Glaucoma example

Below we create the dataset as a tibble (and add the signs):

IOP <- tibble(
  Patient = 1:7,
  Adren = c(3.5, 2.6, 3, 1.9, 2.9, 2.4, 2),
  Synth = c(3.2, 3.1, 3.3, 2.4, 2.9, 2.8, 2.6)
  ) %>% 
  mutate(d = Synth - Adren,
    Sign = case_when(
      d < 0 ~ "-",
      d > 0 ~ "+"))

IOP %>% gt()
Patient Adren Synth d Sign
1 3.5 3.2 -0.3 -
2 2.6 3.1 0.5 +
3 3.0 3.3 0.3 +
4 1.9 2.4 0.5 +
5 2.9 2.9 0.0 NA
6 2.4 2.8 0.4 +
7 2.0 2.6 0.6 +

Recall we’re testing the population median.
Here’s the sample median:

[1] 0.4

Sign test in R: Glaucoma example (specifying both columns)

library(BSDA)  # new package!! Make sure to first install it
# Can't "tidy" the output
SIGN.test(x = IOP$Synth, y = IOP$Adren, alternative = "two.sided", conf.level = 0.95)

    Dependent-samples Sign-Test

data:  IOP$Synth and IOP$Adren
S = 5, p-value = 0.2187
alternative hypothesis: true median difference is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.2057143  0.5685714
sample estimates:
median of x-y 

Achieved and Interpolated Confidence Intervals: 

Lower Achieved CI     0.8750  0.0000 0.5000
Interpolated CI       0.9500 -0.2057 0.5686
Upper Achieved CI     0.9844 -0.3000 0.6000

Sign test in R: Glaucoma example (specifying differences)

# Note output calls this a "One-sample Sign-Test"
SIGN.test(x = IOP$d, alternative = "two.sided", conf.level = 0.95)

    One-sample Sign-Test

data:  IOP$d
s = 5, p-value = 0.2187
alternative hypothesis: true median is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.2057143  0.5685714
sample estimates:
median of x 

Achieved and Interpolated Confidence Intervals: 

Lower Achieved CI     0.8750  0.0000 0.5000
Interpolated CI       0.9500 -0.2057 0.5686
Upper Achieved CI     0.9844 -0.3000 0.6000


Recall the hypotheses to the sign test:

\(H_0:\) The median population difference in reduction of intraocular pressure in treatment with adrenaline vs. new synthetic drug is 0.

\(H_a:\) The median population difference in reduction of intraocular pressure in treatment with adrenaline vs. new synthetic drug is NOT 0.

  • Significance level: \(\alpha\) = 0.05
  • p-value = 0.2188


The median difference in reduction of intraocular pressure between eyes being treated with the synthetic drug and adrenaline for seven glaucoma patients was 0.4 (95% CI: -0.2, 0.6).
There is insufficient evidence the reduction in intraocular pressure differs when using the synthetic drug and adrenaline (2-sided sign test \(p\)-value = 0.219).

Sign test with large samples: p-value normal approximation

  • If the sample size is large, say greater than 20,
    • then binomial probabilities can be approximated using normal probabilities
  • Normal approximation:

\[\mu = np =n(0.5)=n/2\\ \sigma=\sqrt{np(1-p)}=\sqrt{n(0.5)(0.5)}= \sqrt{n}/2\]

  • Thus we have the test statistic:

\[z=\frac{D^- −n/2}{\sqrt{n}/2}\]

  • With access to a computer, it’s better to use the exact binomial probabilities instead of the normal approximation.

Sign test with one sample

  • One can use the sign test when testing just one sample.
  • Note that we did this when in R, when running the sign test using just the differences.
  • For one sample, we can specify the null population median value:

\(H_0:\) The population median is \(m\)
\(H_a:\) The population median is NOT \(m\)

Example: Run sign test for paired data with null \(m = 0.7\):

SIGN.test(x = IOP$d, md = 0.7, alternative = "two.sided", conf.level = 0.95)

    One-sample Sign-Test

data:  IOP$d
s = 0, p-value = 0.01563
alternative hypothesis: true median is not equal to 0.7
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.2057143  0.5685714
sample estimates:
median of x 

Achieved and Interpolated Confidence Intervals: 

Lower Achieved CI     0.8750  0.0000 0.5000
Interpolated CI       0.9500 -0.2057 0.5686
Upper Achieved CI     0.9844 -0.3000 0.6000

(Wilcoxon) Signed-rank test

For paired data or single samples;
accounts for sizes of differences

(Wilcoxon) Signed-rank test

  • Like the sign test, the (Wilcoxon) signed-rank test is used for
    • paired samples (i.e., a single set of differences) or
    • a one-sample comparison against a specified value
  • However, this test does make use of information concerning the size of the differences.


\(H_0:\) the population is symmetric around some value \(\tilde{\mu}_0\)
\(H_a:\) the population is not symmetric around some value \(\tilde{\mu}_0\)

  • Even if the population has a mean/median equal to \(\tilde{\mu}_0\), the test may reject the null if the population isn’t symmetric, thus only use if the data (differences) are symmetric.
  • If the population is symmetric
    • then the mean and median coincide,
    • thus often the null hypothesis is phrased in terms of the median difference being 0

Example: calculate signed ranks

  • Rank the absolute values of the differences from smallest to largest
  • For ties, take the average of the highest and lowest tied ranks
    • I.e. if ranks 3-7 are tied, then assign (3+7)/2 = 5 as the rank
  • Then calculate the signed ranks as +/- the rank depending on whether the sign is +/-
IOP_ranks <- IOP %>% 
    Rank = c(1.5, 4.5, 1.5, 4.5, NA, 3, 6),
    Signed_rank = case_when(
      d < 0 ~ -Rank,
      d > 0 ~ Rank
IOP_ranks %>% gt()
Patient Adren Synth d Sign Rank Signed_rank
1 3.5 3.2 -0.3 - 1.5 -1.5
2 2.6 3.1 0.5 + 4.5 4.5
3 3.0 3.3 0.3 + 1.5 1.5
4 1.9 2.4 0.5 + 4.5 4.5
5 2.9 2.9 0.0 NA NA NA
6 2.4 2.8 0.4 + 3.0 3.0
7 2.0 2.6 0.6 + 6.0 6.0

New: Calculate ranks using R’s rank() function

  • Below I create the ranks using R’s rank() function that has an option ties.method to specify how to calculate ties.
  • This doesn’t require first sorting the data.
  • However, it includes a difference of 0 in the ranking, and thus below I first remove the row with \(d=0\) from the data.
  • In the output below, I called this column Rank_R.
IOP_Ranks_R <- IOP_ranks %>% 
  filter(d != 0) %>% 
    # create column with absolute values of differences
    # it's the absolute values that get ranked
    abs_d = abs(d), 
    # create column with ranks that accounts for ties using R's rank() function
    # you don't need to first sort the data to use this command
    Rank_R = rank(abs_d, ties.method = "average"),
    Signed_Rank_R = case_when(
      d < 0 ~ -Rank_R,
      d > 0 ~ Rank_R

IOP_Ranks_R %>% gt()
Patient Adren Synth d Sign Rank Signed_rank abs_d Rank_R Signed_Rank_R
1 3.5 3.2 -0.3 - 1.5 -1.5 0.3 1.5 -1.5
2 2.6 3.1 0.5 + 4.5 4.5 0.5 4.5 4.5
3 3.0 3.3 0.3 + 1.5 1.5 0.3 1.5 1.5
4 1.9 2.4 0.5 + 4.5 4.5 0.5 4.5 4.5
6 2.4 2.8 0.4 + 3.0 3.0 0.4 3.0 3.0
7 2.0 2.6 0.6 + 6.0 6.0 0.6 6.0 6.0

Test statistic (Wilcoxon) Signed-rank test

If the null is true:

  • The population is symmetric around some point ( \(\tilde{\mu}_0 = 0\) , typically), and

  • The overall size of the positive ranks should be about the same as the overall size of negative ranks.


  • The sum of the ranks \(1,2,\dotsc, n\) is always \(n(n+1)/2\),
  • which can be broken down as the
    • sum of the positive ranks ( \(T^+\) )
    • plus the sum of the negative ranks ( \(T^-\) )

Thus, any of the following can be used as a test statistic and will lead to the same conclusion:

  • \(T^+\)
  • \(T^-\)
  • \(T^+\) - \(T^-\)
  • \(\min(T^+,T^−) = T_0\)

Example: calculate sums of signed ranks

IOP_ranks %>% gt()
Patient Adren Synth d Sign Rank Signed_rank
1 3.5 3.2 -0.3 - 1.5 -1.5
2 2.6 3.1 0.5 + 4.5 4.5
3 3.0 3.3 0.3 + 1.5 1.5
4 1.9 2.4 0.5 + 4.5 4.5
5 2.9 2.9 0.0 NA NA NA
6 2.4 2.8 0.4 + 3.0 3.0
7 2.0 2.6 0.6 + 6.0 6.0
  • Sum of the positive ranks
    • \(T^+\) = 1.5 + 3 + 4.5 + 4.5 + 6 = 19.5
  • Sum of the negative ranks
    • \(T^-\) = -1.5
  • The sum of the ranks \(1,2,\dotsc, n\) is always \(n(n+1)/2\):
    • \(n(n+1)/2 = 6(7)/2 = 21\)
    • \(T^+ + |T^-| = 19.5 + |-1.5| = 21\)

Exact p-value (Wilcoxon) Signed-rank test (fyi) (1/2)

  • Exact p-value is preferable
    • This is the default method in R’s wilcox.test()
      • if the samples contain less than 50 finite values
      • and there are no ties
        • R will automatically use normal approximation method if there are ties
  • We will not be calculating the exact p-value “by hand.” We will be using R for this.

\[p-value = 2 * P(\min(T^+,T^−) \leq t)\]

  • \(t\) is the smaller of the calculated sums of the positive and negative ranks
  • To calculate the exact p-value, we need the probability of each possible sum of ranks.

Exact p-value (Wilcoxon) Signed-rank test (fyi) (2/2)

  • To calculate the exact p-value, we need the probability of each possible sum of ranks:
    • list all possible combinations of positive and negative ranks for the sample size,
    • calculate the sum of the positive ranks ( \(T^+\) ) for each possible combination (or \(T^-\) ), and
    • then figure out the probability of each possible \(T^+\) (assuming all combinations are equally likely)

Example when \(n=3\) : (from

[See slides for images with example]

See for more details.

Normal approximation p-value (Wilcoxon) Signed-rank test (fyi)

  • Normal approximation method:
    • If the number of non-zero differences is at least 16, then a normal approximation can be used.
    • Have the option to apply a continuity correct (default) or not
  • We will not be calculating the p-value “by hand.” We will be using R for this.

Test statistic:

\[Z_{T_{min}} = \frac{T_{min} - \frac{n(n+1)}{4}}{\sqrt{\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{24}}}\]

  • \(T_{min} = \min(T^+,T^−)\)
  • \(n\) = sample size
  • Test statistic \(Z_{T_{min}}\) follows a standard normal distribution \(N(0,1)\)
  • Use normal distribution to calculate p-value

See for more details.

(Wilcoxon) Signed-rank test in R: Glaucoma example

“Attempt” with exact p-value & specifying columns for paired data

# Exact p-value
wilcox.test(x = IOP$Synth, y = IOP$Adren, paired = TRUE, 
    alternative = c("two.sided"), mu = 0, 
    exact = TRUE)
Warning in wilcox.test.default(x = IOP$Synth, y = IOP$Adren, paired = TRUE, :
cannot compute exact p-value with ties
Warning in wilcox.test.default(x = IOP$Synth, y = IOP$Adren, paired = TRUE, :
cannot compute exact p-value with zeroes

    Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction

data:  IOP$Synth and IOP$Adren
V = 19.5, p-value = 0.07314
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

(Wilcoxon) Signed-rank test in R: Glaucoma example

“Attempt” with exact p-value & running one sample test with differences

# Exact p-value
wilcox.test(x = IOP$d, 
        alternative = c("two.sided"), mu = 0, 
        exact = TRUE, correct = TRUE)
Warning in wilcox.test.default(x = IOP$d, alternative = c("two.sided"), :
cannot compute exact p-value with ties
Warning in wilcox.test.default(x = IOP$d, alternative = c("two.sided"), :
cannot compute exact p-value with zeroes

    Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction

data:  IOP$d
V = 19.5, p-value = 0.07314
alternative hypothesis: true location is not equal to 0

(Wilcoxon) Signed-rank test in R: Glaucoma example

“Attempt” with approximate p-value & specifying columns for paired data

# Normal approximation with continuity correction
wilcox.test(x = IOP$Synth, y = IOP$Adren, paired = TRUE, 
        alternative = c("two.sided"), mu = 0, 
        exact = FALSE, correct = TRUE)

    Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction

data:  IOP$Synth and IOP$Adren
V = 19.5, p-value = 0.07314
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

No more warnings!! However,… should we be using the normal approximation here?


Recall the hypotheses to the (Wilcoxon) Signed-rank test:

\(H_0:\) the population difference in reduction of intraocular pressure in treatment with adrenaline vs. new synthetic drug is symmetric around \(\tilde{\mu}_0 =0\)
\(H_a:\) the population difference in reduction of intraocular pressure in treatment with adrenaline vs. new synthetic drug is not symmetric around \(\tilde{\mu}_0 =0\)

  • Significance level: \(\alpha\) = 0.05
  • p-value = 0.07314


There is insufficient evidence the differences in reduction in intraocular pressure differs between the synthetic drug and adrenaline are symmetric about 0 (2-sided Wilcoxon signed rank test \(p\)-value = 0.07314)


Wilcoxon rank-sum test

For two independent samples
a.k.a Mann-Whitney U test

Wilcoxon rank-sum test

  • The nonparametric alternative to the two-sample \(t\)-test

    • used to analyze two samples selected from separate (independent) populations
  • Also called the Mann-Whitney U test.

  • Unlike the signed-rank test, there is no need to assume symmetry

  • Necessary condition is that the two populations being compared

    • have the same shape (both right skewed, both left skewed, or both symmetric),
    • so any noted difference is due to a shift in the median
  • Since they have the same shape, when summarizing the test, we can describe the results in terms of a difference in medians.


\(H_0:\) the two populations have the same median
\(H_a:\) the two populations do NOT have the same median


Dr. Priya Chaudhary (OHSU) examined the evoked membrane current of dental sensory neurons (in rats) under control conditions and a mixture of capsaicin plus capsazepine (CPZ). J. Dental Research} 80:1518–23, 2001.

CPZdata <- tibble(
  control = c(3024, 2164, 864, 780, 125, 110),
  cap_CPZ = c(426, 232, 130, 94, 75, 55)

CPZdata %>% gt()
control cap_CPZ
3024 426
2164 232
864 130
780 94
125 75
110 55
CPZdata %>% get_summary_stats(type = "median") %>% gt()
variable n median
control 6 822
cap_CPZ 6 112

Visualize the data

Do the independent samples have the same distribution?

Control group

ggplot(CPZdata, aes(x = control)) +

ggplot(CPZdata, aes(x = control)) +

ggplot(CPZdata, aes(x = control)) +

Cap + CPZ group

ggplot(CPZdata, aes(x = cap_CPZ)) +

ggplot(CPZdata, aes(x = cap_CPZ)) +

ggplot(CPZdata, aes(x = cap_CPZ)) +

Calculating ranks and test statistic \(W\)

  1. Combine the two samples together (keep track of which observations came from each sample).

  2. Rank the full set of \(N=n_1 + n_2\) observations.

    • If ties exist, assign average ranks to the tied values (as with the signed-rank test).
  3. Sum the ranks corresponding to those observations from the smaller sample.

    • This is a time-saving step; you could also have used the larger sample.
    • Call this sum \(W\).
  4. If \(n_1, n_2\) are both less than 10, then use an exact test (can only be done if no ties are present)

    • otherwise use the large-sample normal approximation.

In our example, both groups have equal n; choose either for computing W.

\[W_{CPZ}=1+2+3+6+7+8 = 27\]

\[W_{control}=4+5+9+10+11+12 = 51\]

CPZdata_long <- CPZdata %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = c(control,cap_CPZ), 
               names_to = "Group",
               values_to = "Current") %>% 
  arrange(Current) %>% 
  mutate(Rank = 1:12)

CPZdata_long %>% gt()
Group Current Rank
cap_CPZ 55 1
cap_CPZ 75 2
cap_CPZ 94 3
control 110 4
control 125 5
cap_CPZ 130 6
cap_CPZ 232 7
cap_CPZ 426 8
control 780 9
control 864 10
control 2164 11
control 3024 12

New: calculate ranks’s using rank()

  • Below I create the ranks using R’s rank() function that has an option ties.method to specify how to calculate ties.
  • This doesn’t require first sorting the data.
  • In the output below, I called this column Rank_R.
CPZdata_long <- CPZdata_long %>% 
    # create column with ranks that accounts for ties using R's rank() function
    # you don't need to first sort the data to use this command
    Rank_R = rank(Current, ties.method = "average")

CPZdata_long %>% gt()
Group Current Rank Rank_R
cap_CPZ 55 1 1
cap_CPZ 75 2 2
cap_CPZ 94 3 3
control 110 4 4
control 125 5 5
cap_CPZ 130 6 6
cap_CPZ 232 7 7
cap_CPZ 426 8 8
control 780 9 9
control 864 10 10
control 2164 11 11
control 3024 12 12

Exact p-value approach

  • If \(n_1, n_2\) are both less than 10, then use an exact test,
    • otherwise use the large-sample normal approximation.
    • However, exact method can only be done if no ties are present
  • p-value is the probability of getting a rank sum \(W\) as extreme or more extreme than the observed one.
    • Multiply the 1-tail probability by 2 for the 2-tailed probability

\[p-value = 2 \cdot P(W_{CPZ} \leq 27)\]

  • To calculate \(P(W_{CPZ} \leq 27)\),
    • we need to enumerate all possible sets ranks for the sample size,
    • calculate the sum of ranks for each set of possible ranks,
    • and then the probability for each sum (assuming each set of ranks is equally likely).

  • We will not be calculating the p-value “by hand.” We will be using R for this.

Normal approximation approach

If the null hypothesis is true, then the mean of the sum of the ranks from the smaller-sized group will be

\[\mu_W = \dfrac{n_s \cdot (n_s + n_l + 1)}{2},\] with a standard deviation of

\[\sigma_W = \sqrt{ \dfrac{n_s\cdot n_l \cdot (n_s + n_l + 1)}{12} }.\] Provided both groups are large ( \(\geq 10\) ),

\[Z = \frac{W - \mu_W}{\sigma_W} \approx Normal(0,1)\]


We have \(W=27\) and \(n_l = n_s = 6\):

\[\mu_W = \dfrac{6 \cdot (6 + 6 +1 )}{2} = 39 \\ \sigma_W = \sqrt{\dfrac{6\cdot 6 \cdot (6+6+1)}{12}} = \sqrt{39} \approx 6.2450 \\ z \approx \frac{27-39}{6.2450} = -1.921538\]

The two-sided \(p\)-value is \[p=2 \cdot P(Z < -1.921538)=0.05466394\]

2 * pnorm((27-39) / sqrt(39))
[1] 0.05466394

Wilcoxon rank-sum test in R: with wide data

Rows: 6
Columns: 2
$ control <dbl> 3024, 2164, 864, 780, 125, 110
$ cap_CPZ <dbl> 426, 232, 130, 94, 75, 55

Exact p-value

wilcox.test(x = CPZdata$cap_CPZ, y = CPZdata$control, 
            alternative = c("two.sided"), mu = 0, 
            exact = TRUE) 

    Wilcoxon rank sum exact test

data:  CPZdata$cap_CPZ and CPZdata$control
W = 6, p-value = 0.06494
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

Wilcoxon rank-sum test in R: with wide data

Normal approximation p-value without CC

wilcox.test(x = CPZdata$cap_CPZ, y = CPZdata$control, 
    alternative = c("two.sided"), mu = 0, 
    exact = FALSE, correct = FALSE) %>% tidy() %>% gt()
statistic p.value method alternative
6 0.05466394 Wilcoxon rank sum test two.sided

Normal approximation p-value with CC

wilcox.test(x = CPZdata$cap_CPZ, y = CPZdata$control, 
    alternative = c("two.sided"), mu = 0, 
    exact = FALSE, correct = TRUE) %>% tidy() %>% gt()
statistic p.value method alternative
6 0.06555216 Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction two.sided

Wilcoxon rank-sum test in R: with long data

Make data long (if it’s not already long):

CPZdata_long <- CPZdata %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = c(control,cap_CPZ), 
               names_to = "Group",
               values_to = "Current")

# A tibble: 6 × 2
  Group   Current
  <chr>     <dbl>
1 control    3024
2 cap_CPZ     426
3 control    2164
4 cap_CPZ     232
5 control     864
6 cap_CPZ     130

Exact p-value

wilcox.test(Current ~ Group, 
            data = CPZdata_long, 
            alternative = c("two.sided"), 
            mu = 0, 
            exact = TRUE) %>% 
  tidy() %>% gt() 
statistic p.value method alternative
6 0.06493506 Wilcoxon rank sum exact test two.sided


Recall the hypotheses to the (Wilcoxon) Signed-rank test:

\(H_0:\) the control and treated populations have the same median
\(H_a:\) the control and treated populations do NOT have the same median

  • Significance level: \(\alpha\) = 0.05
  • p-value = 0.06494


There is suggestive but inconclusive evidence that the evoked membrane current of dental sensory neurons (in rats) differs between the control group and the group exposed to a mixture of capsaicin plus capsazepine (2-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test \(p\)-value = 0.06494).

Kruskal-Wallis test

Nonparametric ANOVA test

Kruskal-Wallis test: nonparametric ANOVA test

  • Recall that an ANOVA tests means from more than 2 groups
  • Conditions for ANOVA include
    • Sample sizes in each group group are large (each \(n \ge 30\)),
      • OR the data are relatively normally distributed in each group
    • Variability is “similar” in all group groups
  • If these conditions are in doubt, or if the response is ordinal, then the Kruskal-Wallis test is an alternative.

\[\begin{align} H_0 &: \text{pop median}_1 = \text{pop median}_2 = ... = \text{pop median}_k\\ \text{vs. } H_A&: \text{At least one pair } \text{pop median}_i \neq \text{pop median}_j \text{ for } i \neq j \end{align}\]

  • K-W test is an extension of the (Wilcoxon) rank-sum test to more than 2 groups
    • With \(k=2\) groups, the K-W test is the same as the rank-sum test

K-W test statistic: \(H\) (fyi)

\[H = \frac{12}{{N(N + 1)}} \sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{R_i^2}{n_i} - 3(N + 1)\]

  • \(k\) is the number of groups,
  • \(n_i\) is the number of observations in group \(i\)
  • \(N = n_1 + \ldots + n_k\) is the total number of observations across all groups,
  • \(R_i\) is the sum of ranks for group \(i\)

The test statistic \(H\) has a Chi-squared distribution with \(k-1\) degrees of freedom:

\[H \sim \chi^2_{k-1}\]

Ranks are calculated similarly to the (Wilcoxon) rank-sum test.

Ranks for the K-W test

  1. Combine the \(k\) samples together (keep track of which observations came from each sample).
  2. Rank the full set of \(N = n_1 + \ldots + n_k\) observations.
    • If ties exist, assign average ranks to the tied values (as with the signed-rank test).
  3. Then sum the ranks within each of the \(k\) groups
    • Label the sums of the ranks for each group as \(R_1, \ldots + R_k\).

If \(H_0\) is true, we expect the populations to have the same medians, and thus the ranks to be similar as well.

Example: Ozone levels by month

  • airquality data included in base R - no need to load it
  • Daily air quality measurements in New York, May to September 1973.
  • Question: do ozone levels differ by month?
Rows: 153
Columns: 6
$ Ozone   <int> 41, 36, 12, 18, NA, 28, 23, 19, 8, NA, 7, 16, 11, 14, 18, 14, …
$ Solar.R <int> 190, 118, 149, 313, NA, NA, 299, 99, 19, 194, NA, 256, 290, 27…
$ Wind    <dbl> 7.4, 8.0, 12.6, 11.5, 14.3, 14.9, 8.6, 13.8, 20.1, 8.6, 6.9, 9…
$ Temp    <int> 67, 72, 74, 62, 56, 66, 65, 59, 61, 69, 74, 69, 66, 68, 58, 64…
$ Month   <int> 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,…
$ Day     <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,…
Oz_mnth <- airquality %>% 
  group_by(Month) %>% 
    show = c("n", "mean", "median", "sd"))
Oz_mnth %>% gt()
Month variable n mean median sd
5 Ozone 26 23.615 18 22.224
6 Ozone 9 29.444 23 18.208
7 Ozone 26 59.115 60 31.636
8 Ozone 26 59.962 52 39.681
9 Ozone 29 31.448 23 24.142
max(Oz_mnth$sd) / min(Oz_mnth$sd)
[1] 2.179317
       aes(x = Ozone, y = factor(Month))) +

Example: calculate ranks (fyi)

ranks_Oz_mnth <- airquality %>% 
  select(Ozone, Month) 

     Ozone            Month      
 Min.   :  1.00   Min.   :5.000  
 1st Qu.: 18.00   1st Qu.:6.000  
 Median : 31.50   Median :7.000  
 Mean   : 42.13   Mean   :6.993  
 3rd Qu.: 63.25   3rd Qu.:8.000  
 Max.   :168.00   Max.   :9.000  
 NA's   :37                      
ranks_Oz_mnth <- ranks_Oz_mnth %>% 
  drop_na(Ozone) %>% 
  arrange(Ozone) %>% 
  mutate(Rank = 1:nrow(.))

Ranks below do not take into account ties!!

head(ranks_Oz_mnth, 20)
   Ozone Month Rank
1      1     5    1
2      4     5    2
3      6     5    3
4      7     5    4
5      7     7    5
6      7     9    6
7      8     5    7
8      9     8    8
9      9     8    9
10     9     9   10
11    10     7   11
12    11     5   12
13    11     5   13
14    11     5   14
15    12     5   15
16    12     6   16
17    13     6   17
18    13     9   18
19    13     9   19
20    13     9   20

Sum of ranks for each group: (not taking into account ties!!)

ranks_Oz_mnth %>% 
  group_by(Month) %>% 
  summarise(sumRank = sum(Rank))
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  Month sumRank
  <int>   <int>
1     5     939
2     6     434
3     7    2023
4     8    1956
5     9    1434

New: calculate ranks’s using rank()

  • Below I create the ranks using R’s rank() function that has an option ties.method to specify how to calculate ties.
  • This doesn’t require first sorting the data.
  • In the output below, I called this column Rank_R.
ranks_Oz_mnth <- ranks_Oz_mnth %>% 
    # create column with ranks that accounts for ties using R's rank() function
    # you don't need to first sort the data to use this command
    Rank_R = rank(Ozone, ties.method = "average")

# Compare "simple" ranks not including ties with tie-corrected ranks
head(ranks_Oz_mnth, 20)
   Ozone Month Rank Rank_R
1      1     5    1    1.0
2      4     5    2    2.0
3      6     5    3    3.0
4      7     5    4    5.0
5      7     7    5    5.0
6      7     9    6    5.0
7      8     5    7    7.0
8      9     8    8    9.0
9      9     8    9    9.0
10     9     9   10    9.0
11    10     7   11   11.0
12    11     5   12   13.0
13    11     5   13   13.0
14    11     5   14   13.0
15    12     5   15   15.5
16    12     6   16   15.5
17    13     6   17   18.5
18    13     9   18   18.5
19    13     9   19   18.5
20    13     9   20   18.5

K-W test in R

kruskal.test(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality)

    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  Ozone by Month
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 29.267, df = 4, p-value = 6.901e-06
kruskal.test(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality) %>% tidy() %>% gt()
statistic p.value parameter method
29.26658 6.900714e-06 4 Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

There is sufficient evidence that the median ozone levels are different in at least two months from May - September, 1973 in New York City (p < 0.001; Kruskal-Wallis test).

  • (fyi) Since the K-W test is significant, follow-up with pairwise (Wilcoxon) rank-sum tests using a multiple comparison procedure to identify which months have different medians.

Permutation tests & bootstrapping

another option to consider

Permutation tests & bootstrapping